The treatment of prostatitis of any form and type involves an integrated approach. And diet therapy is far from the last place. From this article, you can learn which foods are beneficial to the healing process and which ones are better to refuse. And about the basic rules and principles of a diet for prostatitis.
When treating both acute and chronic prostatitis, doctors recommend following a diet. Therefore, patients need to know how to properly prepare food during therapy, as well as the most popular and delicious recipes that can be cooked.
General principles and goals of the diet
The main principle of a diet for prostatitis is proper and healthy nutrition. The restriction on products is applied for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. During the diet, the composition of the blood improves significantly, the functioning of the digestive system and the urinary system normalizes, which in turn leads to a reduction in the load on the prostate and prostate. increased absorption of drugs. The patient's pelvic discomfort is eliminated, sexual function is improved, and the risk of recurrence of prostatitis is minimized.
The main goals of the disease diet are:
- normalization of urine volume;
- removal of inflammation;
- relief of pain and swelling;
- removing excess salt from the body;
- normalization of stool;
- increased immunity;
- reducing the amount of fats and carbohydrates consumed;
- accelerating healing.
Prohibited foods
The experts have identified a list of products that should be completely phased out during the treatment period:
- leavened pasta;
- confectionery;
- spicy, salty and smoked meats;
- alcoholic drinks;
- Preservation;
- fatty meat and fish;
- all types of legumes;
- Cabbage;
- citrus fruits;
- plum;
- carbonated beverages;
- strong coffee and tea;
- shop sauces;
- chocolate.
Authorized products
The list of products on the diet menu for prostatitis is quite large, so all patients can easily choose foods according to their preferences:
- lean meats (rabbit, lamb, veal);
- lean poultry (chicken, turkey, quail);
- low-fat fish species (sea fish should be preferred);
- dairy products;
- chicken eggs;
- cereals;
- bread (bran or rye);
- all kinds of pasta;
- vegetables in any form;
- fruit;
- berries;
- nuts;
- freshly squeezed juices;
- herbal tea.
Goose and duck meat and semolina should be consumed in limited quantities.
Sour cream can only be used as a topping for various foods, and butter can only be used as an additive to porridge or pasta, and for bread in a thin layer.
Performance features
In the acute form of the disease
The diet for acute prostatitis involves the use of medium-temperature, chopped foods. If your body temperature is elevated and you have no appetite, doctors will advise you to fast for several days with plenty of fluids.
In the above form of the disease, it is recommended to consume foods that are easily absorbed by the body and do not burden the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. The basis of the diet is cooked or steamed vegetable dishes, supplemented with various fruits and fermented dairy products. The use of small quantities of lean meat, poultry and fish is permitted.
Caffeine, spices, spicy and strongly salty foods are strictly forbidden in the acute form of prostatitis. You must reject products that contribute to gas formation as well as preservation and offal.
In chronic form
The diet for chronic prostatitis is not as strict. You can use limited amounts of mushrooms, spices and dry wine (up to 1 glass per day). Spicy and salty foods should be excluded from the daily menu.
It is advisable to minimize fatty, smoked and salty foods, limit sauces and legumes. Weak coffee and tea can be consumed in small quantities.
Sample menu for a week
One day
- Breakfast: light herbal tea, porridge, salad with carrots and parsnips.
- Lunch: onion soup, porridge with semolina, beef dumplings, jelly.
- Dinner: steamed fish with vegetables, fruit salad.
- Evening snack: kefir.
2 days
- Breakfast: 1-2 hard boiled eggs, milk soup, broth or compote.
- Lunch: mashed potatoes with fish, vegetable salad, tea.
- Dinner: buckwheat, cheesecake, broth.
- Evening snack: a glass of milk.
3 days
- Breakfast: oatmeal, seaweed salad, light herbal decoction.
- Lunch: roasted vegetables and fish, salad with cucumbers and herbs, a variety of fruits.
- Dinner: baked potatoes, light vegetable soup, herbal tea.
- Snack before bed: a glass of kefir.
4 days
- Breakfast: oatmeal, cheese sandwiches, dried apricot decoction.
- Lunch: pasta with boiled or fried chicken, vegetable salad, jelly.
- Dinner: corn porridge, herbal tea, carrot slices.
- Snack before bed: a glass of freshly squeezed juice.
5 days
- Breakfast: porridge with pumpkin, a decoction of any dried fruit or juice.
- Lunch: buckwheat with steamed chicken, tea.
- Dinner: rice porridge, boiled potatoes with fish, vegetable salad.
- Snack before bed: homemade yogurt.

6 days
- Breakfast: salad with carrots, boiled rice, herbal tea.
- Lunch: soup with meatballs, steamed fish, vegetable stew, juice.
- Dinner: buckwheat, seafood salad, compote.
- Snack before bed: kefir or fermented fried milk.
7 days
- Breakfast: homemade cottage cheese with added fruit, hard boiled eggs, herbal tea.
- Lunch: potatoes with fried lean meat, compote with dried fruit.
- Dinner: pumpkin puree, boiled chicken fillet, some fruit.
- Snack before bed: a glass of freshly squeezed juice.
Experts recommend that you include vegetables in your first meal and add a variety of spices when cooking. It is advisable to use an oven, double boiler or multicooker to prepare the food.
Cooking principles for patients with prostatitis
The diet for prostatitis is not strict, the list of prohibited foods is small, so you can prepare a variety of foods to suit all tastes, just following the simple cooking principles.
Meat and fish must be fried, cooked, steamed or steamed. It is advisable to give up fat or use as little as possible. After the meat has boiled, the remaining broth can be used for a variety of soups. When cooking poultry meat, the skin must first be removed as it contains a large amount of fat. Fish can occasionally be charcoal, but can be eaten without bark.
It is recommended to consume a minimum amount of meatloaf while removing the roasted crust. The herring must be soaked in water before serving. When making the first dishes, especially soups, the amount of potatoes should be kept to a minimum and the combination of pasta with meat dishes should be avoided.
When adding vegetables to soups, experts recommend that you stop baking and use them only raw. This approach significantly reduces the burden on the digestive system.
The second dishes are varied - slices, meatballs, souffles and casseroles are allowed. Cereals can be used to cook cereals, casseroles, meatballs, and are also used for slices and meatballs. The vegetable pie is made from raw vegetables or steamed and steamed vegetables. Frying with a minimum amount of oil is allowed. The dough should be chosen from hard varieties and used in limited quantities.
Experts recommend the use of funchose as the body is well absorbed.
Recipes for patients with prostatitis
Below are recipes for foods that nutritionists have developed specifically to formulate a diet for prostatitis.

Baked pink salmon in lemon marinade
- pink salmon - 400 g;
- a little lemon;
- a lot of green;
- olive oil - 3 tbsp. ;
- breadcrumbs - 1 tsp.
Remove all bones from the fish, you can cut them into pieces. Then make the marinade. To do this, mix the butter and biscuits, add the required amount of salt, grate the fish and sprinkle with herbs. Arrange the lemon rings on top.
Grease a baking sheet with oil or cover with baking paper. Preheat the oven to 180 ° C. Bake for 15 minutes.
The dish can be decorated with lettuce leaves.
Veal with rice
- 150 g of veal fillet;
- 1 cup rice
- 1 medium carrot;
- celery and parsley root;
- olive oil - 2 tbsp. ;
- Bay leaves;
- salt.
Put a piece of veal in water, bring to a boil, drain the water and replace it with a new one, wait until it boils again. Put the vegetables and bay leaves in a pan and fry the meat until soft.
Pour oil into a preheated pan and add the prewashed rice. Bake until the beans are golden brown. Then pour in 350 ml of water, reduce the heat as much as possible, close the lid and simmer until soft.
Rice meat can be decorated with herbs before serving.
French fries
- potatoes - 4 pcs;
- peppers - 1 teaspoon;
- ground pepper to taste;
- cumin - 1/4 teaspoon;
- oregano - 1 tbsp. l. ;
- olive oil - 2 teaspoons;
- salt to taste.
Peel a squash, grate it and cut it into slices. Put in a bowl and mix with vegetable oil. Mix all the spices well. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper, stretch out the potatoes and sprinkle evenly with seasoning. Preheat the oven to 200 ° C and bake for 20-30 minutes, depending on the size of the potatoes.
Serve as a standalone dish or with vegetable salad.
Cottage cheese pudding
- low-fat cottage cheese - 500 g;
- chicken eggs - 3 pcs;
- flour - 2 tbsp. l. ;
- sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
Grind the curd, add the yolk, sugar and flour, stirring thoroughly until smooth. The proteins are beaten into a stable foam and slowly added to the rest of the mass. If desired, you can add a variety of fruits, berries or dried fruits. Transfer the prospective pudding to a special baking dish after lubricating it with oil. Cook in a water bath or multicooker in "Bake" mode.

Buckwheat with mushrooms
- buckwheat - 0, 5 cups;
- 1 tomato;
- 4 small mushrooms;
- half onion;
- lomb;
- olive oil;
- salt to taste.
Buckwheat should be cooked soft and seasoned with salt to taste. Heat a pan, add the oil and fry the chopped onion. Cut the mushrooms into 4 parts, put in a pan, fry until soft, add the diced tomatoes, herbs and spices to taste. Keep on low heat for 5-7 minutes, then add the buckwheat and mix. Shut off the gas and let it stand for 10 minutes.
Baked apples with berries
- 2 medium apples;
- 1 cup black currant berry (any);
- sugar to taste.
The apples are cut in half and pitted, the berries are mixed with the sugar. Put a small berry in each half of the apple and arrange in a baking sheet. Preheat the oven to 200 ° C and bake for 15 minutes. The cooled dessert can be sprinkled with sugar or powder.
Fish souffle
- hake fillet - 300 g;
- medium potatoes - 4 pieces;
- butter - 50 g;
- cream 15% - 100 ml;
- chicken eggs - 2 pieces;
- 1 onion;
- olive oil - 2 tbsp. l. ;
- salt to taste.
The pre-peeled potatoes are cooked until soft, taken out of the water and mashed with butter and cream. Put the pieces of fish in the water in which we cooked the potatoes and cook until soft. Chop the onion and fry in olive oil until golden brown. The proteins are beaten into a hard foam with a mixer. Stir the cooked fish, potatoes, onions, yolks and salt in a blender until smooth, adding the protein gradually. Put the mixture in a baking sheet. Preheat the oven to 200 ° C. Bake the souffle for 30 minutes.
Carrot slices
- carrots - 500 g;
- flour 100 g;
- chicken eggs - 2 pieces;
- olive oil - 50 ml;
- salt to taste.
Cook the carrots until soft, peel and chop in a blender. Add flour, eggs, salt, stir until smooth. Make small, homogeneous slices and bake until soft. You can steam or use the oven instead of frying.
- 2 liters of water;
- starch - 3 tbsp. l. ;
- sugar - 1 cup;
- cherries or berries - 500 g;
- vanilla and cinnamon to taste.

Bring the water to a boil, add the spices and keep on the fire for 4-5 minutes. Add the cherries and sugar. The starch is dissolved in 1 glass of water and then gradually added to the pan along with the other ingredients. Allow to simmer for a few minutes, stirring constantly. Once condensed, remove from heat and cool.
Exit your diet
After completing treatment for prostatitis, the diet should be gradually discontinued. The diet should be properly balanced and refrain from a sharp shift to illicit foods. Experts recommend that you stick to your diet in the future and gradually introduce new foods while carefully monitoring your body’s reaction. Consumption of a large number of fatty foods or semi-finished products should be minimized when formulating a diet.
In order to prevent the recurrence of the disease, excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages as well as unhealthy and heavy foods, fast food and adequate nutrition should be avoided.
Advantages and disadvantages of diet
After a strict adherence to the diet, a positive effect is observed after 3 days. TObenefitsdiets include:
- significant reduction in pain;
- preventing the disease from getting worse;
- lack of hunger;
- normalization of weight.
TOdisadvantagesIt can be attributed to the severe dietary dependence of people who like fried, spicy and smoked foods, and to the contraindication of such a diet in some patients.
- Male, 39 years old: "Doctors diagnosed prostatitis a year ago. In addition to medication, they also prescribed dietary foods. It was hard to get used to the new diet because I never limited myself to eating. But after the first few days, I noticed an improvementI try not to eat junk and heavy food when I stop dieting, I feel great, the work of the digestive system and the condition of the body as a whole has improved, there has been no relapse of the disease. "
- Male, 54 years old: "I never restricted myself to food. I noticed that after consuming fatty and spicy foods, my prostatitis starts to get worse. I decided to listen to experts and use a diet to prevent exacerbations. At first it was unusual, but the menuit's quite varied, which allows me not to feel hungry and find the right foods for me. After switching to such a diet, my health has improved significantly and there are fewer and fewer aggravations. "
- The 42-year-old woman: "My husband was diagnosed with prostatitis, prescribed medication and diet. At first, the husband refused to limit himself to eating, constantly crumbling, fried and eating spicy food. Then he decided to get rid of the disease. , Gathered himself andstarted dieting.
A diet for prostatitis not only significantly speeds up the treatment process, but also heals the body as a whole by ensuring that harmful foods are rejected. The food is quite varied, allowing you to choose the right foods and avoid hunger.